New York Buses Will Undergo More Frequent/Thorough Inspections

New York buses can expect to be under greater scrutiny in the state’s effort to prevent deadly accidents like those seen in 2011. The state has earmarked $1 million for a new bus inspection program, according to The new program will force some buses to face multiple inspections per year, based on prior performance and a number of other factors.

The companies who have failed inspections or who have bad safety records will see more inspections than those who do well. All companies will get at least two inspections per year, which is the current standard.

In 2011, there were two major bus accidents in the state, one which killed 15 in March and one that killed 8 in October.

In the March 2011 crash, the driver was found to have hit near 80 miles per hour prior to the crash, and to have convictions for manslaughter and grand larceny on his record. In that accident, the bus tipped on its side and slid, allowing a pole to rip through the roof and the length of the bus.

People take these buses on vacations and tours and rarely think of safety being an issue. They trust that a professional is at the wheel and there is nothing to worry about.

Last July, 8 bus companies had their operating licenses suspended after repeated safety violations and failed inspections. According to Governor Cuomo’s office, who suspended the licenses, the companies each failed three or more inspections in a period of only six months.

Generally, the state does 160,000 inspections every year. Last year, Cuomo added surprise inspections to the practice, in hopes of catching safety violations that could prevent future bus accidents. They made 2,000 such unannounced inspections in the spring, and subsequently tool 100 buses and about the same number of drivers off the road.

Drivers for these companies must obtain a commercial license. But many of those pulled out of the buses were found to have multiple convictions and licenses under several aliases.

When you depend on someone to get you to a destination safely, you usually want to relax and enjoy the ride. But if you can’t be confident the bus company employs only the safest drivers, you definitely won’t be able to relax on your next bus trip.

Bus accidents happen, and they happen quite often. Usually, however, the accidents are minor. In the rare case that serious injuries occur, the bus company and driver can be held responsible.

If you’ve been injured in a bus accident, contact our offices today. You may be entitled to compensation for your medical costs, time lost from work, and even pain and suffering.
