texting while driving

Judge Rules Texter Not Liable for Accident

There is no doubt that sending text messages behind the wheel is a recipe for disaster. But what if you are the person on the other side of the text—the one sending messages to a driver—can you be held responsible if an accident happens?

According to Morris County Superior Court Judge David Rand, you can’t.

Last week, Judge Rand ruled that a young woman could not be held liable for the text messages she was sending her boyfriend just before he was involved in an accident that resulted in a man and wife each losing a leg to amputation. Continue reading


National Transportation Safety Board pushes to protect bus passengers

Distracted driving has become a focus in the transportation safety world as the number of accidents caused by people texting while driving, checking their email or talking on a cellphone increases on a daily basis.

People who choose to use cellphones while driving are taking the risk that they will be involved in an accident, but commercial drivers who choose to text or talk while behind the wheel risk not only their life in a serious bus accident, but the lives of all of their passengers. Continue reading
